


As the MYBOTSHOP Husky-xARM6-Robotiq is a multi-robot system consisting of Clearpath’s Husky, hence, the guide provided by Clearpath for Husky Navigation is applicable. For ease of view, the guide is available below as well.

Below are the example launch files for three different configurations for navigating Husky:

If you’re working with a real Husky, it’s suggested to connect via SSH and launch the roswiki husky_navigation launchfiles from on board the robot. You’ll need to have bidirectional communication with the robot’s roscore in order to launch roswiki rviz on your workstation.


It should be noted that without any auxiliary components such as a camera or lidar, the robot will not be able to perform obstacle avoidance or mapping.

Making a Map

In this demonstration, Husky generates a map using gmapping. Begin by launch the gmapping launch file on the robot:

roslaunch husky_navigation gmapping_demo.launch

And on your workstation, launch rviz with the suggested configuration:

roslaunch husky_viz view_robot.launch config:=gmapping

You must slowly drive Husky around to build the map. As obstacles come into view of the laser scanner, they will be added to the map, which is shown in rviz. You can either drive manually using the interactive markers, or semi-autonomously by sending navigation goals.

When you’re satisfied, you can save the produced map using map_saver:

rosrun map_server map_saver -f mymap

This will create a mymap.yaml and mymap.pgm file in your current directory.