Software Packages


mbs_ui is the main package which is respoinsble for the user interface and communication with different controller interfaces.

roslaunch mbs_ui app.launch


In case any additional configuration is needed, please refer contact for instructions on how to update the user interface.


mbs_base this package is respoinsble for the different controllers required for different modes of operation i.e. velocity and compliance.

For more information and different controller interfaces documentation is provided in the package.


The mbs_xarm_moveit ros package contains a custom configuration of the moveit designed to work with different controllers including the compliance controller.

roslaunch mbs_xarm_moveit real_arm_moveit.launch

This launch file will run all the real robot hardware driver, different types of controllers for the arm as well as MoveIt configuration for xArm bare minimu hardware.


This package is the one responsible for setting up hardware drivers for the arm as well MoveIt configuration for the base arm.


The mbs_xarm_description contains the native xArm6 description along with any shipped auxiliary sensors or attachments.