ROS1 noetic

⇒ Reason of ROS (T)

  • Understanding the purpose and significance of Robot Operating System (ROS).

⇒ ROS Control (Brief Overview) (T)

  • Overview of ROS control mechanisms for managing robotic systems.

⇒ ROS Package Build (T)

  • Introduction to building ROS packages for organizing and distributing ROS software.

⇒ ROS Bridge (T)

  • Explanation of ROS Bridge for communication between ROS and other frameworks.

⇒ ROS Simulation (P)

  • Practical session on simulating ROS environments and robotic systems.

⇒ ROS Create Package (P)

  • Hands-on activity on creating ROS packages for specific tasks.

ROS1 Nodes

⇒ ROS Nodes (T)

  • Understanding ROS1 nodes, their roles, lifecycle, and best practices for coding and structuring.

⇒ Create ROS Node (P)

  • Creating custom ROS1 nodes, debugging, and integrating with other components.


ROS1 Launch Files


⇒ ROS Launch Files (T)

  • Overview of ROS1 launch files, syntax, managing complex systems, and debugging techniques.

⇒ Create ROS Launch File (P)

  • Creating launch files for multiple ROS1 nodes, troubleshooting, and writing reusable configurations.

⇒ ROS Sensor Fusion (P)

  • Demonstration of sensor fusion techniques in ROS1 for enhanced perception.

ROS1 Parameters

⇒ ROS Parameters (T/P)

  • Explanation of the ROS1 parameter server, dynamic updates, and best practices for managing parameters.

⇒ Create ROS Parameter Loading (P)

  • Loading and using ROS1 parameters, dynamic reconfiguration, and integration with launch files.


ROS1 Actions

⇒ ROS Actions (T/P)

  • Introduction to ROS1 action servers, implementing custom actions, and handling preemption and feedback.


ROS1 Services

⇒ ROS Services (T/P)

  • Overview of ROS1 services, creating and calling services, and designing efficient interfaces.


ROS1 Msgs

⇒ ROS Msgs (T/P)

  • Understanding ROS1 message types, creating custom messages, and debugging message data.


ROS1 Navstack

⇒ Setup (P)

  • Practical setup of ROS navigation stack for autonomous robot navigation.

⇒ Mapping (P)

  • Hands-on mapping exercises for creating maps of robot environments.

⇒ Localization (P)

  • Practical session on robot localization techniques using ROS navigation stack.

⇒ Planner Tuning (P)

  • Tuning and optimization of robot motion planners for efficient navigation.

⇒ Custom Robot Integration (P)

  • Integration of custom robot hardware with ROS navigation stack.

⇒ Debugging (P)

  • Techniques for debugging and troubleshooting issues in ROS navigation stack.

⇒ Tools Usage (P)

  • Introduction to various tools and utilities for ROS navigation stack development.


ROS1 Perceptionstack

⇒ Lidar/Depth Camera Setups (T)

  • Understanding different lidar/depth camera setups and configurations.

⇒ Lidar/Depth Camera Configuration (T)

  • Configuration of lidar/depth cameras for use in ROS perception tasks.


ROS1 Manipulationstack

⇒ Moveit (T)

  • Introduction to MoveIt framework for robotic manipulation and motion planning.

⇒ Moveit Setup (T)

  • Setup and configuration of MoveIt for robot manipulation tasks.

⇒ Moveit Manipulation Tips (T)

  • Tips and best practices for effective robot manipulation using MoveIt.


Personal Experience

⇒ Issues faced

  • Discussion on common challenges encountered during ROS development and deployment.

⇒ Debugging

  • Strategies and techniques for debugging ROS software and robotic systems.

⇒ Tools Usage

  • Overview of useful tools and utilities for ROS development and debugging.