Training Requirements

The provided course is a general course for ROS2 Humble. The training is geared towards basic practical implementation and deployment of ROS2 Humble. The average time for the training is 2-3 days with a focus more on practicality and less on theory. The course will not be exhaustive but provide more of a wider coverage of all the features and usage of ROS.

  • Familiarity with Linux Systems

    • Understanding of basic Linux commands and file system navigation.

  • Fundamental Computing Concepts:

    • Python - Basic programming skills in Python programming language.

    • C++ - Basic programming skills in C++ programming language.

  • Ubuntu 22.04 installed

    • Installation of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS operating system.

  • ROS2 Humble Installed

    • Installation of ROS2 Humble framework.

  • Internet Connection (Package installation)

    • Required for downloading and installing necessary packages and dependencies.