ROS2 Humble¶
⇒ Reason of ROS2 (T)
Understanding the motivation and objectives behind the development of ROS2.
⇒ Key Points (T)
Exploring key features and capabilities of ROS2 compared to ROS1.
⇒ Environment Setup (T/P)
Setting up the development environment for ROS2 on Ubuntu 22.04.
⇒ Builtin Features (T)
Overview of built-in features and functionalities of ROS2.
⇒ New architecture (T)
Introduction to the new architecture and design principles of ROS2.
⇒ Why DDS? and its Robustness and longevity! (T)
Explanation of Data Distribution Service (DDS) and its importance in ROS2 communication.
⇒ ROS2 Control (Brief Overview) (T)
Brief overview of ROS2 control mechanisms for robotic systems.
⇒ ROS2 Package Build (T/P)
Building ROS2 packages for developing and deploying ROS2 applications.
Working with Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) in ROS2 for robot modeling.
⇒ ROS2 TF (T/P)
Understanding ROS2 Transform Library (TF) for managing coordinate transforms.
⇒ ROS2 Topics (T/P)
Introduction to ROS2 topics for inter-node communication.
⇒ ROS2 Time (T/P)
Handling time-related operations in ROS2.
⇒ ROS2 Simulation (T/P)
Simulating ROS2 environments and robotic systems.
⇒ ROS2 Create Package (T/P)
Creating ROS2 packages for organizing and distributing ROS2 software.
ROS2 Nodes¶
⇒ ROS2 Nodes (T/P)
Understanding ROS2 nodes and their lifecycle in ROS2 applications.
⇒ ROS2 launch files (T)
Overview of ROS2 launch files for launching and configuring ROS2 nodes.
⇒ Create ROS2 Node (P)
Creating custom ROS2 nodes for specific tasks.
⇒ Create ROS2 Launch file (P)
Creating launch files for launching multiple ROS2 nodes simultaneously.
⇒ ROS2 Sensor Fusion (P)
Implementing sensor fusion techniques in ROS2 for perception tasks.

ROS2 Msgs¶
⇒ ROS2 Msgs (T/P)
Using ROS2 message types, creating custom messages, and debugging communication issues.
ROS2 Services¶
⇒ ROS2 Services (T/P)
Overview of ROS2 services, creating custom service types, setting up servers and clients, and handling requests.

ROS2 Actions¶
⇒ ROS2 Actions (T/P)
Introduction to ROS2 action servers, creating custom actions, implementing clients and servers, and handling feedback.

ROS2 Parameters¶
⇒ ROS2 Parameters (T/P)
Explanation of ROS2 parameter server, managing parameters dynamically, and debugging issues.
⇒ Create ROS2 Parameter Loading (P)
Loading and using ROS2 parameters, persisting across launches, and using YAML for configuration.

ROS2 Perceptionstack¶
⇒ Lidar/Depth Camera Setups (T)
Setting up lidar/depth camera systems for perception tasks in ROS2.
⇒ Lidar/Depth Camera Configuration (T)
Configuring lidar/depth cameras for use in ROS2 perception tasks.

Personal experience¶
⇒ Issues faced
Sharing personal experiences and challenges encountered during ROS2 development.
⇒ Debugging
Strategies and techniques for debugging ROS2 software and robotic systems.
⇒ Tools Usage
Overview of useful tools and utilities for ROS2 development and debugging.