Fixposition Localization¶
The normal robots localization module can be replaced or fused with the accurate Fixpositions odometry. The file below
is a yaml
configuration file for a tracked robot’s odometry using the module Robot Localization.
#Configuation for robot Odom EKF
frequency: 100.0
two_d_mode: true
publish_tf: true
predict_to_current_time: true
transform_time_offset: 1
odom_frame: odom
base_link_frame: base_link
world_frame: odom
# X, Y, Z
# r, p, y,
# X'',Y', Z'
# r', p', y'
# X'',Y'', Z''
odom0: rovo_base/odom
odom0_config: [false, false, false,
false, false, false,
true, true, false,
false, false, true,
false, false, false]
odom0_differential: false
odom0_queue_size: 10
odom1: fixposition/odometry
odom1_config: [true, true, false,
false, false, false,
true, true, false,
false, false, true,
false, false, false]
odom0_differential: false
odom0_queue_size: 10
imu0: imu/data
imu0_config: [false, false, false,
false, false, false,
false, false, false,
false, false, true,
true, true, false]
imu0_differential: false
imu0_queue_size: 10
imu0_remove_gravitational_acceleration: true