Training Requirements

The provided course is a general concise transitional course from ROS1 to ROS2 Humble. The training is geared towards basic practical implementation and deployment of ROS2 Humble for those who are well familiar with ROS1. The average time for the training is 2-3 days with a focus more on practicality and less on theory.

  • Familiarity with Linux Systems

  • Understanding of basic Linux commands and file system navigation.

  • Fundamental Computing Concepts:

    • Python - Basic programming skills in Python programming language.

    • C++ - Basic programming skills in C++ programming language.

  • ROS1 (Kinetic/Melodic/Noetic)

    • Working experience and concepts: Familiarity with ROS1 concepts such as nodes, topics, services, etc.

    • Control concepts: Understanding of ROS1 control mechanisms for robotic systems.

    • Navigation stack working: Knowledge of ROS1 navigation stack for autonomous robot navigation.

    • URDF: Understanding of Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) for robot modeling in ROS1.

    • Transforms (TFs): Familiarity with ROS1 Transform Library (TF) for managing coordinate transforms.

    • Nodes | Nodelets: Understanding of ROS1 nodes and nodelets for modular robotic system development.

    • Topics | Parameters | Services | Msgs | Action Service: Knowledge of ROS1 communication paradigms and message types.

  • Ubuntu 22.04 installed

    • Installation of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS operating system.

  • ROS2 Humble Installed

    • Installation of ROS2 Humble framework.

  • Internet Connection (Package installation)

    • Required for downloading and installing necessary packages and dependencies.