MMP Husky UR5e + Robotiq 2F-140
To power-on the UR5e and Robotiq 2F-140 completely, run:
ros2 service call /a200_1025/ur5e/activation/hsky_nano/srv/SerialBoolean "{data: true}"
Launch ROS2 driver for UR5e as well as Robotiq 2F-140:
ros2 launch hsky_manipulation
To test the UR5e and gripper you can use Moveit2:
ros2 launch hsky_ur_moveit
To power-off the UR5e and Robotiq 2F-140 completely, run:
ros2 run hsky_manipulation
The hsky_manipulation driver should be running when executing the shutdown procedure.
MMP Husky Viz
To visualize the Husky, you can run:
ros2 launch hsky_viz view_robot.launch
MMP Husky Hokuyo
The Hokuyo is on by default from the startup job. To launch the Hokuyo only:
ros2 launch hsky_lidars
Do not run this command, as this is running in the background on startup via the hsky startup job.
MMP Husky Navigation
Navi2 — Odom Navigation
Navigate in the global frame of map
ros2 launch hsky_nav2
Navi2 — Mapping
Mapping can begin using the joystick controller:
ros2 launch hsky_nav2
Once you are satisfied with your map you can export it by running the following command in one of the Huskys terminals:
ros2 run nav2_map_server map_saver_cli -f /home/administrator/ros2_ws/src/mybotshop/hsky_nav2/maps/custom_map
Rebuild the husky nav2 so that the maps can be installed in the install folder:
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
The rebuilding step is not required if the filename is not changed.
Navi2 — Map Navigation
ros2 launch hsky_nav2