Component Activation

The ros drivers mentioned below are all automatically started when launching the accessories launch file. These drivers further expand on the functionality for interfacing as well as for independent component checking.

ROS Driver — UR5e + Robotiq

Please follow this checklist to interact with the UR5e and Gripper via ROS.

  • Power on teach pendant — In Teach pendant Top Center Right

  • Release emergency switch — In Teach pendant Top Center

  • UR5e is in remote mode — In Teach pendant Top right

  • UR5e is Power off state with a icon — In Teach pendant Bottom left (Important)

Launch ROS driver:

roslaunch mmp_arm ur5e_robotiq_driver.launch

To test the gripper run:

rosrun mmp_demo

To test the UR5e and gripper use moveit you can use Moveit:

roslaunch mmp_ur_moveit_config mmp_moveit.launch

ROS Driver — Lift Actuation


The lift driver is on by default from the startup job.

Start the driver via:

roslaunch mmp_lift base.launch

Move lift up 1 to -600 microsteps

rostopic pub -r 1 /cmd_lift std_msgs/Float32 "data : -600.0"

Move lift down 1 to 600 microsteps

rostopic pub -r 1 /cmd_lift std_msgs /Float32 "data : 600.0"

Activate Lifts softlock, for the lift to move

rosservice call /get_lift_manual_control "{}"

ROS Driver — Ouster + Hokuyo


The Hokuyos are on by default from the startup job.

To launch all three lidars run:

roslaunch mmp_lidars ouster_hokuyos.launch

To launch the hokuyos only (ideal when working with realsense):

roslaunch mmp_lidars hokuyos.launch

ROS Driver — Realsense Camera

Start the pan and tilt camera D455:

roslaunch mmp_realsense_cameras d455.launch

Start the wrist camera:

roslaunch mmp_realsense_cameras d405.launch

Start both cameras:

roslaunch mmp_realsense_cameras realsense.launch


When both the Ouster and Realsense cameras work at the same time, the latency of the camera stream increases due large amount of data transfer. Ideally, Ouster should be running or Realsense. Both can work at the same time but then Realsense suffer from latency issues.

ROS Driver — Pan & Tilt

Start the pan and tilt dynamixel motors via:

roslaunch mmp_pan_and_tilt controller.launch

Move pan and tilt with ranges of -1.5708 to +1.5708 in radian

rostopic pub /cmd_pan_and_tilt mmp_msgs/PanTilt " pan : 1.0" "tilt : 0.0"

Caution Notes

  • Power off the UR5e correctly via the teach pendant.

  • Always remain close to the emergency stop buttons.

  • Sudden jerks to the mobile robot can cause a disconnection, the velocity that is provided should always have be smooth either through the joystick, keyboard, or program.

Known Issues

  • Pan, tilt not working (Usually caused by the provision of wrong command values)

    ◦ Solution is to powercycle the dynamixels and restart their driver.

  • Ridgeback shuts down sometimes when powered on.

    ◦ In rare cases the network does not startup in time causing the ridgeback to shut down.Powercycling should resolve the issue.

  • Realsense cameras lagging

    ◦ Utilize multi-machine setup.

    ◦ Ensure ouster is not running concurrently with the realsense as it takes up alot of bandwith which may be causing the lag.

  • Lift joystick not working

    ◦ This occasionally occurs if you try to move the lift while releasing the soft limit switches. Restarting the mmp service will correct this.