Husky GE


This specifies the configuration for Husky GE.


  1. Controller - SteamDeck Control

  2. Wireless Router - Telefonika 3G/4G

  3. Access Point - TP-Link AX-800

  4. Computer - NVIDIA Jetson AGX Orin

  5. IMU - Phidgets Spatial 3/3/3 Basic

  6. GPS - Fixposition


  8. Lidar - Ouster OS1 32

  9. Lidar - RoboSense RS-LiDAR-M1 Plus x2

  10. Depth Camera - Stereolabs ZED 2i Depth Camera

  11. Depth Camera - Intel® RealSense Depth Camera D455 x2

  12. SSD - WD Elements 2TB

Steamdeck Control


Please refer to the Steamdeck Docs - 1100::Husky for all control information.

Getting Started

To start-up the Husky, the instructional video playlist can be used which details the opening and use of the Husky.


Instructions for interfacing with the robot using Ubuntu 22.04 and ROS2 Humble.


This procedure should be followed after reading the manuals for the Clearpath Husky as well as the sensors. Furthermore, all of the Husky’s functionality can be verified via the tutorials by Clearpath. Instructions for setup can be found at Husky Docs. This guide builds upon the information from the docs.

Ethernet port on Husky

The Ethernet port at the back of the Husky can be utilized for setting up communication via LAN.

Static Network Connection

For the first time, one needs to connect through a LAN cable to configure the robot’s network.

To create a static connection on your PC (not the robot), in Ubuntu go to Settings → Network then click on + and create a new connection.

  1. Change the connection to Manual in the IPv4 settings.

  2. Set the Address IP as and the Netmask as 24.

  3. Click save and restart your network.

After a successful connection, check the host’s local IP by typing in the Host PC’s terminal:


Now, ping the robot:


Access the robot via SSH:

ssh -XC administrator@

The default password is:


Husky IP Addresses


IP Addresses


Husky MCU


Husky Nvidia


Husky Router


Husky Accesspoint




Husky Ouster

Husky Robosense I

Husky Robosense II

Husky Fixposition

Husky Emlid RS2


Note: Sometimes other networks can cause disruptions when connecting to the Husky. It is best to have only your connection to the robot active and all others inactive.


This section will walk you through the steps to record a ROS2 bag file for all sensors on your robot to reconstruct the environment. Ensure your robot is fully set up and all necessary ROS2 nodes are running by following the below-mentioned steps one by one in order.


When trying to SSH into the robot from your computer please make sure to connect your PC with the husky Wifi network coming up as Husky-A200-1045-5G-AP using password mybotshop. Once connected then you can ssh into the Husky PC.

Powering on the Husky

Power on

Emergency Switch Release

Charging Port




  1. Ensure the emergency button is released as well as the key is turned to the unlock position.

    • To check if the emergency switch is released, twist the switch in the indicated direction on it. If it pops up, then the switch has successfully been released.

    • If the robot light is yellow, it means that either the emergency switch is not released or the key is not turned or the battery is not correctly plugged in.

  2. Press the power button on the front of the husky. It has the power symbol as displayed.

Charging the Husky


The power port can be used to charge the Husky. The indicator shows the voltage levels of the Husky and does not necessarily indicate the remaining power available.

Steamdeck Controller | Teleop Control Joystick | Husky


When launching the Joylauncher, do not touch any of the buttons until the steamdeck displays the robot is connected or not connected and also make sure to wait for 10-15 sec so that the steamdeck is connected with Husky Wifi before launching anything on steamdeck.



The Steamdeck usage is in experimental phase. Loss of connection or (laggy connection) may lead to the robot moving and/or not stopping immediately. Caution should be taken when using the Steamdeck for the operation of the robot!

Digital Twin (RVIZ2)

To visualize the hsky, you can run:

ros2 launch hsky_viz view_robot.launch



Please Activate TCP tunnel function by pressing B + Up arrow to see the Rviz digital twin as well as the data from all the sensors on steamdeck. If in case the Zed2i camera depth cloud, as well as the image, does not show then please first restart the husky driver reactivate TCP tunnel, and then reopen the visualizer on steamdeck.

ROS2 Drivers

The pertinent ros2 drivers mentioned below are used when launching the system launch file. These drivers further expand on the functionality for interfacing as well as for independent component checking.

ROS2 Driver | Fixposition

The Fixposition is off by default from the startup job. To launch the Fixposition only:

ros2 launch hsky_gps

To check the Fixposition if it is running:

sudo service mbs-fixposition status

To check the Fixposition webserver, connect to Husky’s WiFi and go to the IP

Activation via steamdeck:

  1. L4 + Up arrow Activate Fixposition GPS.

  2. L4 + Down arrow Deactivate Fixposition GPS.

ROS2 Driver | Ouster

The Ouster is off by default from the startup job. To launch the Ouster only:

ros2 launch hsky_lidars

To check the Ouster if it is running:

sudo service mbs-ouster status

Activation via steamdeck:

  1. R4 + Up arrow Activate Ouster Lidar.

  2. R4 + Down arrow Deactivate Ouster Lidar.

ROS2 Driver | Robosense

The Robosense LIDARs are off by default from the startup job. To launch the Robosense LIDARs only:

ros2 launch hsky_lidars

To check the Robosense if it is running:

sudo service mbs-robosense status

Activation via steamdeck:

  1. R5 + Up arrow Activate Robosense Lidars.

  2. R5 + Down arrow Deactivate Robosense Lidars.

ROS2 Driver | Realsense

The Realsense Depth Cameras are off by default from the startup job. To launch the Realsense Cameras you need to launch them separately:

ros2 launch hsky_dept_cameras
ros2 launch hsky_dept_cameras

To check the Realsense if it is running:

sudo service mbs-realsense_i status
sudo service mbs-realsense_ii status

Activation via steamdeck:

  1. L2 + Up arrow Activate Realsense-i Depth camera.

  2. L2 + Down arrow Deactivate Realsense-i Depth camera.

  3. R2 + Up arrow Activate Realsense-ii Depth camera.

  4. R2 + Down arrow Deactivate Realsense-ii Depth camera.

ROS2 Driver | Emlid RS2 GPS

The Emlid GPS is off by default from the startup job. To launch the Emlid GPS only:

ros2 launch hsky_gps

To check the Emlid if it is running:

sudo service mbs-emlid status

Activation via steamdeck:

  1. L5 + Up arrow Activate Emlid RS2 GPS.

  2. L5 + Down arrow Deactivate Emlid RS2 GPS.

ROS2 Driver | ZED2i

The ZED2i is off by default from the startup job. To launch the ZED2i only in the (in the Nvidia Jetson Orin):

ros2 launch nv_sensors

To check the ZED2i if it is running (in the Nvidia Jetson Orin):

sudo service mbs-depth-cameras status

Activation via steamdeck:

  1. Y + Up arrow Activate Zed2i Depth-Camera.

  2. Y + Down arrow Deactivate Zed2i Depth-Camera.

In nv_sensors config, you can configure the parameters for the camera. If higher resolution of depth cloud is required, change the pub_downscale_factor to a lower value such as 2.0.

ROS2 Driver | 3D SLAM

To activate 3D SLAM for the Husky:

ros2 launch hsky_3d_slam

This will publish the map to odom transform with 3D SLAM.

ROS2 | Recording Bags


The ros2 bag topics that you want to add/remove/configure can be done by editing the topics required for the Husky Steamdeck. For this, in the Steamdeck Computer go to the file:



The ros2 bag storage size, and max duration can also be configured from this file.

Be sure to restart the Steamdeck driver to ensure the changes have taken place. To change the save file location, in the Husky PC go to:


By default, this is configured to save on the provided external hard drive.

  1. B + A Start Recording ROS2 bags

  2. B + Y Save Recording ROS2 bags in external hard drive.


Once the recording for the ROS2 bag has started please restart the husky drivers once by pressing A + Up arrow. Once you have stopped recording please wait for 2-5 mins depending on the length of the record as it takes time for the on-board PC to save data.


The Ros2 bag files will be saved automatically on the external hard drive with the recording date and time as the file’s name. You can see all the files in the directory /media/…

ROS2 Navigation

The provided Nav2 configuration is a baseline.


It is highly important that the Nav2 parameters are configured for your robot as it is dependent on the use case. The parameters are located in hsky_nav2 param folder.


Please only activate Ouster LIDAR when using navigation as all the sensor’s activation at the same time will create lag in the system.

ROS2 Information



  3. RMW Middleware: rmw_fastrtps_cpp

Robot Information

  • The Nvidia Jetson Orin has its time synced to the Husky via a chrony job.

  • Please note that the NTP server for the Husky is turned off as time syncing with the internet causes it to initially jump for around 1 to 2 minutes only on startup. This issue is being investigated and will be eventually solved by the Clearpath team as it stems from their drivers.


It is advised to provide a SIM card to the Husky’s router for the internet and for Fixposition.