
Rovo can be upgraded with different sensros and some other accessories. These upgradations require some modifications in the robot software which is detailed below.

Ouster Installation [Legacy]


The Ouster organization have updated their installation method. This procedure in no longer valid for the latest Ouster drivers. Please follow the instructions for installation in the Ouster ros github.


For the ouster attachment, the following package has to be installed in the current workspace. The following tutorial can be followed or the provided description.


This tutorial is to only be followed if the ouster software is not already pre-installed.

  1. Install dependencies:

sudo apt install build-essential cmake libglfw3-dev libglew-dev libeigen3-dev \
     libjsoncpp-dev libtclap-dev
  1. Create a new folder in your catkin workspace named utils:

cd ~/catkin_ws/
mkdir utils
cd utils
  1. Clone the repository into utils:

git clone
  1. Go into ouster_example and make a folder called build and go inside of the build folder:

cd ouster_example
mkdir build
cd build
  1. Build the ouster_example from inside the build folder; be sure to give the absolute path to your ouster_example:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release <path to ouster_example>
  • Note: The path should look something like this ``/home/development/user/catkin_ws/utils/ouster_example``

  1. Connect the ouster with an ethernet cable, and follow the instructions provided in the software user manual chapter 2.

    • It may take 5-10 mins for it to be detected.

  2. Next navigate to the utils and in there open a terminal and run:

chmod +x
  1. Then make open up your ethernet connection that is in the settings and add a new connection. Give your desired name and then navigate to the IPv4 tab. In it change the connection to Manual. In the Addressess, give the address as and the net mask as, and save. Then connect to this ip.

  • Verify that the computer is receiving data from ouster via:

./ouster_client_example ''
  1. Install ros dependencies again via:

sudo apt install ros-melodic-ros-core ros-melodic-pcl-ros \
     ros-melodic-tf2-geometry-msgs ros-melodic-rviz
  1. Source devel or restart terminal and navigate to the third_party package and enter the folder. Once there open up the terminal and create a virtual link to the outser_example from utils via:

ln -s <path to ouster_example>/ouster_example/ ./
  1. Finally, go into catkin_ws and once again build the package:

catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
  1. Verify installation via

roslaunch ouster_ros ouster.launch sensor_hostname:= metadata:=/home/development/ouster_metadata/ouster_meta.json viz:=true
  • Be sure to change the path to your home directory accordingly.

ZED2 Installation


This procedure requires that the Rovo has access to internet for initial installation if not done already.


  • Zed Camera

  • Internet connection


  1. Verify CUDA 10.2 is installed in the Nvidia Xavier Tegra board.

    • nvcc -V

  2. If not installed follow:

    • wget

    • sudo mv /etc/apt/preferences.d/cuda-repository-pin-600

    • wget

    • sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-11-6-local_11.6.0-510.39.01-1_amd64.deb

    • sudo apt-key add /var/cuda-repo-ubuntu1804-11-6-local/

    • sudo apt-get update

    • sudo apt-get -y install cuda

  3. Install from the provided QRE package, alternatively you may get the latest version and install from ZED SDK

    • Make sure the Ubuntu version is the 18.04, the CUDA is 10.2, and the Nvidia Xavier SDK is selected for your download

  4. Build the provided ZED ROS packages.

    • catkin build

  5. Verify installation by running

    • roslaunch zed_wrapper zed2.launch

    • roslaunch zed_display_rviz display_zed2.launch




The first recommended augment is the Emlid Reach RS2 GPS for the outdoor waypoint navigation. Following is the guide for use and setup for the Emlid GPS.


Please note that the Emlid Reach RS2 works on 2.4GHz band when connecting to a WiFi network. Position of GPS relative to the ground severely effects accuracy and connectivity.



  • Internet connection


  1. Connect to the Emlid via it’s WiFi hotspot.

    • SSID: Reach

    • Password: emlidreach

  2. Install the ReachView 3 app on the playstore.

    • Setup Reach on the available connections once available.

    • Provide internet connection to the emlid.

    • Reconnect to it in the app.

  3. Rename and setup configuration

Emlid RS2 USB Connection

  • Add a new udev file to /etc/udev/rules.d, for example sudo touch 45_emlid.rules

  • In that udev file add, the following:

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{address}=="3032:0013", NAME="emlid0"


Change the address to your EMLID ID address. The ID can be found via lsusb. Normally not required with default emlid configuration.

  • Reload the udev rules via:

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
  • Setup a static connection in you PC in e.g. and now you should be able to access the Emlid in


The GPS data is sent over via NMEA messages, so please ensure to go to the Emlid via app or browser ( and ensure that the one of the position output is set to tcp with the stream coming on NMEA.

Enabling Precision Mode

  1. Goto the provided Emlid’s Reach panel for configuring high precision mode.

  2. Get access to NTRIP connection which can be done by contacting your nearest receivers station.

  3. In the Emlid Reach Panel go to the RTK settings.

    • Set position mode to kinematic.

    • Set elevation mask angle to 15 degrees.

    • Set SNR mask to 35.

    • Select all GNSS options.

    • Set update rate at 5hz.

  4. Goto the correction input tab in the Reach panel and select NTRIP.

    • Fill in the information provided by your receiving station i.e.

      • ip address

      • port

      • username

      • password

      • mount point (Usually detected automatically)

      • Select send NMEA GGA messages to enable correction.

  5. In base mode in you can set the base coordinated data accumulation time to 1 minute.

  6. Verify in the status of the reach panel whether green as well as grey bars appear, indicating successful correction.

Emlid REACH M2



Please note that the Emlid Reach M2 works on 2.4GHz band when connecting to a WiFi network.

Emlid M2 USB Connection

  • Add a new udev file to /etc/udev/rules.d, for example sudo touch 45_emlid.rules

  • In that udev file add, the following:

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{address}=="3032:0013", NAME="emlid0"


Change the address to your EMLID ID address. The ID can be found via lsusb. Normally not required with default emlid configuration.

  • Reload the udev rules via:

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
  • Setup a static connection in you PC in e.g. and now you should be able to access the Emlid in


The GPS data is sent over via NMEA messages, so please ensure to go to the Emlid via app or browser ( and ensure that the one of the position output is set to tcp with the stream coming on NMEA.

Setting Up Base Station

Adding REACH RS2/M2 ROS Driver

  1. All prior steps are required. Clone the following git repo, to your catkin workspace and build it:

cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
catkin build
  1. Add to your launch file:

<node pkg="reach_rs_driver" type="reach_rs_driver_node" name="reach_rs_driver_node">
     <param name="reach_rs_host_or_ip" value="{emlid ip address}"/>
     <param name="reach_rs_port" value="9001"/>
  1. Goto the position output tab in the reach panel and change the output to TCP along with message type being NMEA.