

When the Husky is powered-on, the mbs_husky robot upstart job starts the ros hardware drivers for the Husky.

Startup Example


A 40 second video illustrating the activation of the visualization module, xARM6 hardware driver, and the Robotiq gripper driver.

Powering xARM6

  • ssh into the husky.

ssh -X administrator@
  • To power-on the xARM6

rostopic pub /pwr_relay std_msgs/Bool "data: true" --once
  • To power-off the xARM6

rostopic pub /pwr_relay std_msgs/Bool "data: false" --once


It takes approximately 60 seconds for the arm to power up. On start-up a beep sound can be heard. After 60 seconds two consecutive beep sounds can be heard indicating that the xARM6 has successfully started and can be accessed.

Hardware drivers xARM6

  • To launch the xARM6 hardware driver, run the command:

roslaunch mbs_xarm_robotiq xarm_hardware_driver.launch

Hardware drivers Robotiq Gripper 2f-140

  • To launch the Robotiq 2f-140 hardware driver, run the command:

roslaunch mbs_xarm_robotiq robotiq_hardware_driver.launch


  • The visualize the robot model.

roslaunch mbs_viz viz.launch

Husky xARM6 URDF